How ExpertOption Changed My Life?

Success Story:

My name is Vihaan and I was born in Surat, India in 1995. Most of my childhood my family was on the verge of poverty and couldn’t afford more than natural human needs. However, I didn’t want to continue to live like that for the rest of my life! When I was 20 I started to search for ways of earning online. I searched through hundreds of companies hoping to find something that I will like. Consequently, I found ExpertOption and started to investigate the trading platform.

Initially, it was hard for me to understand the principle of trading and how things work in this field of activity. All these graphs, indicators, currencies, etc were something unexplored and incomprehensible for me. I was looking at those rich guys on the internet making $5,000-$10,000 (₹400,000-₹800,000) per week and didn’t believe that it is possible. Finally, I decided to start with a $100 (₹7,900) deposit.

I was overwhelmed with happiness when I doubled this amount on the first day! At that moment I was feeling extremely proud of myself. But I didn’t even realize that everything had just started. My amount of profit was increasing from week to week. I moved to New York and am currently travelling around the world. What is more, I can work anytime and anywhere I want from my laptop or smartphone.

Now, I'm an experienced trader on ExpertOption broker by the age of 25 and my revenue is about $13,500 (₹1,065,000)/week! I started from nothing, but now I can afford to leave the life I always dreamed about. Moreover, I’m truly happy to financially help my family to leave their lives in comfort and prestige.
Most importantly, I’m here not only to share with you my story of success. I will help and guide you to start earning online today! Simply follow the steps which i will list below:

    Open Account on ExpertOption

  1. First, you will need to open an account on ExpertOption broker, clicking here.
  2. The account is totally FREE and you will get $10,000 on your demo balance. Press on the “Try free demo” button on the main page of the website. After that, you will be redirected to the trading page.
  3. Trading Process

  4. So how do I trade?
    • Select the currency pair which you want to trade on. For example I will use EUR/USD and forecast how many dollars 1 euro costs.
    • Designate a trade amount. In other words, the amount of money which you want to invest. The minimum amount is $1.
    • Make a forecast. Decide if graph will go down or up and press on the relevant buttons (RED, which is down or GREEN, which is up).
    • Take your profit! I decided that the graph will go up and earn $184 in less than 1 minute!

    ExpertOption Real Account

  5. Above all, if you want to start making real money, you will need to open a real trading account. To register an account - click on the “Open real account” button and enter the following data:
    • E-mail - your valid email address which you will use on this trading platform.
    • Password - strong password which you will use to authorize on ExpertOption.
    • Accept all terms and conditions.
    • Press on the “Open account” button.

    However, you may also register through your Facebook or Google accounts.

  6. First Deposit on ExpertOption

  7. So now you have your personal trading account. The next step will be your first deposit on ExpertOption broker. Here everything is simple enough.
    • Select the payment system which you want to pay with (VISA, MasterCard, Maestro, Skrill, Neteller, Crypto, Globe pay, Perfect Money or Fasapay).
    • Select the currency which you will use on the platform itself.
    • After that, enter the amount of the deposit.
    • Agree to Terms & Conditions, Refund policy and Payment info policy.
    • Press on the “Continue” button.
  8. The great thing is that there are also bonuses on deposits. The bonus itself will depend on the deposited amount. For example: If you make a $100 deposit, you will get a 100% bonus. Thus, you will be credited $200 on your account!
    Note: Bonuses are active only for 1 hour after your registration on the platform, so hurry up! Minimum deposit amount is $10.

  9. On the last step you will need to enter your card details. This process is easy as well. Enter the following information:
    • Card number - 16 digit code from your card.
    • Cardholder Name - basically, your name.
    • Expiration date - the month and year until which your card is valid.
    • CVC code - 3 or 4 digits on the back side of your card.
  10. When all information is filled and double checked - press on the “Add funds” button. That’s it! Now you can move back to step 3 and start trading and making money on a real account!
    Finally, let me show you what I’ve earned in a short amount of time. Good luck!!!

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Read 11 comments Post a comment
Virat Mishra

Such a great story of success! I’m really glad to hear that there are people who can achieve as much as you did.

Nadira Khan

The great thing is that you took care of your family. Keep it up!

Akash Mahajan

This is lit!!! By the way, I have a question… Did you use any specific trading strategy or…?

Anil Kumar

I’m trading on ExpertOption broker as well. My profit is not so high as yours, but I made $1,765 yesterday)

Munish Ram

I’m from Surat as well. Now I live in Mumbai.

Yogita Sharma

Can you please tell if you have used any trading strategies?

Anand Lal

ExpertOption changes lives how I see, ahaha.

Ishan Sharma

Vihaan, your story impressed me, now I will make a deposit on this trading platform as well.

Jagad Chandra

“I was looking at those rich guys on the internet making $5,000-$10,000 per week and didn’t believe that it is possible.” Now I’m feeling like that...

Salman Khan

I believe that if you know the market and trading strategies you can achieve any goals in trading :)

Deepak Gupta

Well… That’s definitely impressive!

Deepak Gupta

Well… That’s definitely impressive!


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